Zero-Waste Cities Around the World

Living a zero-waste life may seems like a pipe dream for most of us. How could I get my personal care goods? Most of them are sold in plastics! What if I suddenly want to bring home some street food, and I don’t carry any food container at the moment? How should I replace/refill my stationery needs, like correction pen and highlighter--which obviously create waste once it runs out? Those personal questions alone are already uneasy to solve for one individual soul, not to mention for the entire community--how to fulfill the communal needs that require plastics in the name of...
Workshop : Plastic String Art at Puhan Ayu Solo Shown

Event : Puhan Ayu Solo ShownFriday - Sunday (Sept 30th - Oct 2nd, 2016)At Uwit Art Space Salatiga At Puhan Ayu solo shown which took "Soul Therapy" as a title, Kreskros had a chance to give a workshop. It was held at the second day, in a peaceful evening after rain. Eventhough it was a little late but it was really exciting. There were six participants. We made a wall decor using cardboards, plastic bags, and nails as the main materials. The other materials are modification, they can add or eliminate according to their design. Some cardboards were cut...
DIY Tutorial 2 : Plastic String Art
craft design DIY craft DIY home decor DIYkreskrosplasticycle frame home decor Plastic plastic waste plasticycle recycle string art tutorial Upcycle wall decor

Maggot : A Research To Be Inspiration

“Do you want to wear a mask?" “Mmm, nope, thanks." A woman in teacher uniform and her three students pushed me down the aisle. Passed through the cafeteria and the laboratory until the end. On my right side, there’s a dim room as large as a dorm room in 3 x 5 meters. His appearance resembles a warehouse. Not so bright, a little stuffy and some stuff that I don’t know what is it for. “Here the research is usually done,” Rini started. Ignatia Rini Purwati (44) is a biology teacher in SMA Marsudirini Muntilan. She has small figure and...
Converts Waste Back Into Raw
Baran Gunung. An adobe-walled building without doors stood firm there, but seedy. The giant metal machine kept puffing the white vapour. Non stop. At one side of the machine, a guy crammed tons of garbage into the mouth of the machine. It was fast. Sorrr! At the other side, the solid granules as small as rice were spewed out. The plastic pellets. “This is the pellet maker,” said Slamet Raharjo (32), not the owner. He is a chief of the operators and technicians. With Otong, his partner, they manage the other 17 workers. Raharjo then explained that to make pellets,...