Journal — Articles
Fashionably Striking, Sartorially Sustainable

The clothing industry is the second largest polluter in the world. This jawdropping fact jawdroppingly came from one of the clothing industry leader--Eileen Fisher, an American clothing designer and founder of a women’s clothing line named after her. As one of the alpha female of her industry, it’s quite surprising that she declared it by herself that her works are part of the second largest polluter in the world, second only to oil. It’s like pointing your hand to yourself that actually you are the villain. But the truth must be told, so that the solution could soon be found. (Via...
I’m Not (Always) The Bad Guy : The Funny Genesis of Plastic Bag

Some countries limit its use, some others even ban it for good--days are getting darker for our nearly-unbreakable-by-nature fellas. But do you know that one of the reason why this particular entity exist is because people are trying to make a more ‘eco-friendly’ alternative for paper bag? Wait, WHAT--MORE ECO-FRIENDLY alternative?? Yea man go ahead and think “You can’t be serious!” but that’s the freakin’ truth. Read on to know more about this surreal fact of plastic bags. (Via : Once upon a time, plastic bags was deemed as the savior of Mother Earth. Back in 1953, high-density polyethylene was...
Paid Plastic Bags, Is It Effective?

From one to another, nowadays there are more and more government that implement the paid-plastic-bag policy. Be it national policy, state policy, or city policy, this governmental effort to reduce the plastic bags consumption is such a breath of fresh air for the planet we live in. There are not many country in the world that already ratified this policy, but a collection of ‘small’ acts are always better than nothing at all. Now the question is, how effective are this governments’ policy actually? Governments put a price on plastic bags consumption in order to suppress the plastic waste generated...
Innovative Green Products, from Leaf Plate to Bike Washing Machine!

Nowadays, a lot of people are getting more and more conscious about the sustainability of their environment. It’s not only about reduce-reuse-recycling stuffs--that’s a good thing, though--but also about finding another solution, one of them is inventing some new sustainable products. Check some of them below and be inspired! Leaf Tableware (Via : Many tribes or nations in the world are already used to use leaves as their ‘plate’, but still for some occasion using leaves as your plate might considered impractical or unproper. That’s why, for the same disposable function, people tend to use styrofoam plates than the...
Start Lessen Your Waste Impact : The Guide, Part. 2 (Composting, Medication, Electronics, etc.)

Here we go, the part 2! In part 1, we’ve shared some ideas on reducing your plastic waste in food, home + cleaning, and personal care issues--now it’s time to share some less-waste ideas in wider life matters! Composting (Via : While some waste could be reuse as another stuff, household waste such as yard waste or trashes from our kitchen are obviously destined to be thrown away. But don’t force them to sit aimlessly at the landfill--turn them into natural goodness named compost! This organic fertilizer has many uses, such as to increase the holding capacity of sandy...