Start Lessen Your Waste Impact : The Guide, Part. 2 (Composting, Medication, Electronics, etc.)


Here we go, the part 2! In part 1, we’ve shared some ideas on reducing your plastic waste in food, home + cleaning, and personal care issues--now it’s time to share some less-waste ideas in wider life matters!



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While some waste could be reuse as another stuff, household waste such as yard waste or trashes from our kitchen are obviously destined to be thrown away. But don’t force them to sit aimlessly at the landfill--turn them into natural goodness named compost!

This organic fertilizer has many uses, such as to increase the holding capacity of sandy soil, increase water holding capacity of soil, and also contain many nutrients. Not all household trash can be turned into compost. Only fruit and vegetable waste (fruit peel, veg scraps), eggshells, coffee grounds, garden waste (grass, leaves, twigs), and shredded newspapers that can be composted. Just remember that you shouldn’t ever put dairy stuffs, cats/dogs feces, and something which contain meat-fat-oil-grease in your compost--they will trigger maggots to come up and ruin your compost.

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All you need to make your own compost are the waste that we already discuss above, some soil, and a compost bin (it could be a bucket, trash bin, or barrel--it’s ok if it’s made from plastic). Make sure it has a cover to prevent bugs, insects, rats, and contamination from rainwater. Put enough soil as a mat in the bottom of the bin, then spray it with small amount of water. After that, put your waste inside. Make sure the ratio of the dry waste & wet waste is around 3:1, because if the wet waste is more dominant your compost will become too moist and could emit unpleasant smell. If the waste layer is already in the same thickness as the soil beneath it, put another layer of soil and spray it again with water. Finally, close the bin with the cover and put it in shady spot (don’t put it in direct sunlight). Leave it for approximately 3 weeks, and when it no longer gives off heat and becomes dry, brown, and crumbly, it means you can start use your very own compost! This is what we call easy, inexpensive, and odorless goodness from nature to nature ;)



  1. Bring your own snack

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Instead of relying on that expensive single-serving snacks that you will be offered on board, it’s better to bring your own snacks--less litter, less expensive!

  1. Bring your own personal care

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You can ask the hotel not to provide you their toiletries kit (but still need the towel, of course), and use our own instead--so there won’t be any soap bar left/thrown away.


Medication and Healthcare

  1. DIY remedies

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Indonesia, just like South East Asian country in general, has so many traditional remedies that works really well and can be made at home by yourself, and the ingredients are so easy to find in local markets--or maybe in your own garden. This is better for both your health and budget.

  1. Handkerchief instead of tissue

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Nah, this is quite tricky! The practical appeal of tissue is undeniably soooo hard to resist. Especially when you’re having a really bad flu and got to sneeze all night long, then you running out of your handkerchief PLUS you barely have the energy to get up to reach your sink. Well, at least you can start using less tissues by utilizing your unused tshirts (cut it into squares first) to make some simple hanky. And when you’re working or hanging out with your folks, and need a little touch up or having that urge to wipe that slight sweat on your forehead, handkerchief is a far more stylish option than tissue, isn’t it?



  1. ‘Strategic’ gift-giving

Find out what your gift-target really wants, so your gift will actually be used by them. Other alternatives, you can give them vouchers, coupons, tickets (concert, movie, theatre, etc.), or maybe service, instead of giving them stuffs.

  1. Request plastic-free gift for yourself

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At first, your friends and family may think it’s weird to give you something with new plastic. They may think it’s less hygienic, less neat, and possibly less proper. But you can always explain it to them, that it is perfectly okay for you to receive something without new plastic on it.

  1. Learn tape-free giftwrapping technique


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There’s a beautiful cloth-based giftwrapping art from Japan called furoshiki that you could try, not only for the literal gift wrapping but also to pack your lunch! Besides that, you can also reuse your gift bags and wrapping paper. And when your gift looks like it really needs to be taped here and there, you can opt to use paper tape.


Electronics and Entertainment

  1. Take care what you already have

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The FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) epidemic could be experienced not only in the information field, but also in technology. You wanna stay ‘forward’ in communication technology so you buy new phone every year just because you think that your previous phone is ‘outdated’, even though it’s still in great condition. Just think all of those packaging waste that you produced when you eventually ended up with reselling none of your old phones.

Another case, might be that troubled laptop battery that is caused by the reckless act of leaving it charged overnight almost everyday. This problem actually can be avoided, so you can prevent yourself from producing any electronic waste. In short, avoid to buy electronics that you don’t really need (and throwing away the old ones) and treat what you have respectfully. 

  1. Go for digital entertainment

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CDs and DVDs are made from polycarbonate plastics. But as we aware that physical releases are a form of art as well as a part of historical artifact, we also should realize that they’re plastics afterall, so less of them would be better. The win-win solution would be like this : buy them in physical form ONLY if you REALLY LOVE the movie/music. Other than that, you can rely to the digital ones--download the music/movie online, and stream the movie/series from streaming services. The legal ones, of course.

So, are you ready to have a less-waste life?


Written by Nadia Maya Ardiani

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