Journal — Workshop
Workshop : Plastic String Art at Puhan Ayu Solo Shown

Event : Puhan Ayu Solo ShownFriday - Sunday (Sept 30th - Oct 2nd, 2016)At Uwit Art Space Salatiga At Puhan Ayu solo shown which took "Soul Therapy" as a title, Kreskros had a chance to give a workshop. It was held at the second day, in a peaceful evening after rain. Eventhough it was a little late but it was really exciting. There were six participants. We made a wall decor using cardboards, plastic bags, and nails as the main materials. The other materials are modification, they can add or eliminate according to their design. Some cardboards were cut...
Workshop : Plastic Weaving at Green Campaign Salatiga

Event : Green Campaign Saturday - Sunday (April 9th, 10th, 2016) At Widya Graha Salatiga An event which have effort to build awareness to love their environment and encourage them become a "Green Warior", make a healthy, beautiful, and clean environment. With that purpose, the committees do some actions, like bazaar, mass aerobic, coloring contest, workshops, and some entertainments. In this occasion, Kreskros had an opportunity to give a workshop. Made a new product by recycling some used-plastics with iron methode. Then waved them to be a simple and chic wall decor. You can see the process at DIY...