DIY Tutorial 3 : Plastic Bedside Lamp

craft design DIY craft DIY home decor DIYkreskrosplasticycle home decor lamp Plastic plastic waste plasticycle recycle tutorial

A simple and chic bedside lamp that will make your room more stylish. This lamp is made of used mineral water bottle 1500ml as its main construction. The outside is covered with white plastic pieces arranged to resemble lined flower petals. And to get an exclusive touch, natural finished wood is added at the top and bottom.
Make your own bed lamp by incorporating the tutorial below with your creativity. And we would love to see your work by uploading it on instagram and tagging us at @ with hashtag #DIYkreskrosplasticycle

Here's the tutorial.

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
Tools and Materials :
- used transparent 1500ml plastic water bottle
- white high density (HD) plastic or grocery plastic bag (you can substitute the plastic material and the color)
- 2 wooden tubes, for top and bottom. I prefer natural finishing to thick paint. Don't forget to give a hole at the bottom one for cable. (you can substitute with other material, like cardboard or carton. Finish them with paint, fabric, or paper)
- lamp
- lamp fiting + screw
- cable
- plug (you may add electric switch)
- ruler
- scissor
- chopstick
- cutter
- candle + matches
- glue (for glue gun)
- screwdriver
- compass
- circle pattern from carton, 4cm in diameter

Process :
Lamp :
1. Install one end of the cable to plug
2. Insert the other end of the cable in the hole on one of the wooden tube.

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
3. Connect the cable with the fitting lamp
4. screw the fiting lamp to the bottom tube

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
5. Install the lamp on the lamp fittings (to make sure the lamp is on)

Cover :
1. Cut the plastic bottle body to a height as desired

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
2. Cover top and bottom side of bottle with a wooden tube.

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
3. Mark the border. Which parts will be decorated, which ones are not.
4. Then move on to make fringe. Take the plastic and circle patterns that have been prepared.
5. Cut the bottom of the plastic and spread it.

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
6. Fold the plastic as wide as the circle pattern, a little bigger does not matter.

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
7. Draw a circle pattern in a row over a folded plastic.

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
8. Cut the plastic according to the pattern. There will be many circular sheets of 4cm in diameter. When cutting, it doesn't have to be very perfect to make it completely round because after being installed it won't be clearly visible.

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
9. Light the candle.
10. Hold the chopsticks in the right hand (primary hand) and glue on the left hand (secondary hand).

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
11. Place a circular plastic sheet at the end of the chopsticks.
12. Heat the glue tip.
13. Take the melting glue using a plastic tip on the chopsticks.

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
14. Quickly stick the plastic into the body of the bottle with a random position.

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
15. Repeat steps 16-19 until the bottle is full of plastic.

DIY Plastic Craft Home Decor
16. Finish. The lamp is ready to use.

Well, that's the step of making our favorite bed lamp. Put it where you want.

Good luck and do not forget to share with us your great works on instagram!
Tag us at and use hashtag #DIYkreskrosplasticycle

Kreskros DIY Plastic Recycle Craft Home Decor Kreskros DIY Plastic Recycle Craft Home Decor

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